I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.

Nothing is more pleasurable than to sit in the shade, sip gin and contemplate other people's adulteries...
John Skow

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Deutsche - werden nicht besser im Ausland, wie das exportierte Bier.

Germans- dont become better when being abroad -like exported beer.
Well maybe not better as a human, as a person, but better "at" things, like French :).

yesterday, in 1945, the atom bomb exploded over hiroshima...it's still and probably always will be-shocking, at least to me

what good and what evil can science do?
how do we know before inventing things what the consequences will and can be and if it's becoming foreseeable, how are we supposed to react?
how much can we do or change in this world anyway, where non -muslims are automatically christians trying to crusade, like in afghanistan...

what will be the end to the conflict in corea where new submarine tests are done on every other of these days?
what about oil in the gulf of mexico for months? there's enough money to do whatever---but no adequate reaction when there's an accident that kills the flora and fauna of the ocean
why does a government not react when air pollution is harming its' population?

is it really so hard to react or are our own needs, also if we are a politician that claimed to take responsibiliy and improve things, more important than everyone else's?
who gives us the "right" to act in such ways while claiming we're improving the world?
there is no "right" to "do such things"
and don't start a discussion about justice in the world...
i'm not whining and I know I won't change the world by talking about it- but while we care only about our own tiny problems such as---why do i have no blueberries at home atm (my own concern^^) we should sometimes "über unseren eigenen tellerrand gucken"---see the things outside of our own small "region of interest"

1 comment:

  1. what good and what evil can science do?

    both in equal parts


    you already answered that here.

    science doesnt do anything

    men do :)
